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Friday, June 15, 2007
Who Will Be The Lucky 2 Dude ?
The cool dudes are back. 18 candidates out of the eliminated contestants were called for the wild card round of Indian Idol. Shantanu, Amit, Ankita, Ayesha, Padmanov, Bhavin and Suhit were the lucky ones who gave brilliant performances.
I think the voting system is pretty bad. Sony or whatever is the broadcasting system does the SMS system just to get the money out of SMS ( its ~1 Rupee per SMS) and the wellwishers of the contestant send SO MANY SMS. So more popular you are, more SMS you are going to get and more are the chances of you.. Immaterial of your performance in front of judges!!
I totally agree and I can't believe...Sony is doing this to audiences all over the world...brought the 7 contestants...and presented them with pre recorded that they can get more votes and more money...So does it mean that contestnats are sooooo weak that they can't perform live to get back in the show...or what!?
I agree with both of you. Indian Idol 3 winner is going to be the most popular and not necessarily the most talented judging from the votes. I was absolutely shocked when Bhavin and Amit did not make the Top 11, but I hope they will be "lucky" enough to be voted in the Top 13 as the wild cards. I'll have my fingers crossed for those two well deserved singers. Unfortunately, here in south africa we cant influence the votes, so its up to you guys in India to vote for our Indian Idol.
In my opinion Suhit was solely recalled on Alisha's favouritism and ofcourse Ankita on Javed Akhtar's strength.Suhit lacks the ability to sing on such levels.The thing that perturbs me most is that the judges are so blatant with their favouritism. As judges the should know how to exercise objectiveness and fairness.
Also i do realise that the winner will be an INDIAN idol,however i do wish that voting would be open internationally. As a South African,i feel helpless in supporting my favourites.
I wish...we had a choice to vote here in New York...u guys are is sad that we can watch the show..but can't vote. I hope people in India know or at least understand the system...that people like Bhavin and Amit were just eliminated to bring 'em back at some point and this way generate more votes cuz there is no doubt they've got talent. And of course...the more contestants they bring back in the show, it gives 'em more weeks of voting.
i think Ankita and Amit deserves to be in the top 2 . Ankita has the singing power , dancing power , a lovely smile, a favulous personality and above all a great sportsman spirit. I couldn't help respecting her after seeing her sportsmanspirit when she was voted out. She is a show winner in every way.
I am happy Suhit is selected. He deserves to be in the top 12. Anu, Alisha and Udit Narayan are all singers and know better than anyone of us here and if they think that Suhit sings in Sur and is GOOD, how can other people judge that he is not just because one judge Javed Akhtar thinks he is not. SUHIT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I wish I could vote for Ankita and Chang. Unfortunately I am from Tanzania, We can not vote.
Who says that Ankita is Javed's favourite that why she is there? Infact, she deserves. She is a good and performer as well.
Chang got a fabulous voice that can touch anyone's heart. I can still remember when he sang that song of AUR PYAR HOGAYA..Mashallh, this boy is the best.
So sad that Bavin is voted out. I am just MAD over his songs...he sings so well...but unfortunately he's no more in the competition and I was shocked when he was voted out. He's a damn good singer and he doesn't deserve to be voted out. He's much more deserving than Suhit, ankita, richa.....Unfortunately I couldn't vote because I am from Maldives, if I could I will be awake the whole night and vote for him..Hope i can stay in contact with him somehow..Is there ANY way that i can contact him??? Hmmm may b by this way....Bavin please add me.. My add is please please add me or mail me...Im dying to hear from you. Waiting for you...
hi a big fan of yours and i think that you sing sooo good, i jus love ya performances,dunno why javed akhter is sooo mean.... i think your looks are soo cute and u also sing like rockstar.
SUHIT ROCKS he is such a good singer and so are his performances. dunno what dat javed akhtar guys got against him.he is so biased i think . i think the reason he hates suhit is jealousy he doesnt deserve to be a judge if he carries on saying that suhit cant sing coz if he couldnt sing he wouldnt have even got through to the piano round . the three judges who themselves are singers say that he can sing.i dunno y javed akhtar is bieng so mean to him.anyway suhit deserves to be where he is right now and he should get to the top 12.GOOD LUCK
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD BOY SUHIT. KEEP ON DOIN WAT UR DOIN AND U'LL GET DER UR A BAD BOY SINGER.don care about wot javed says he don wont u to get in coz he jealous.ur makin me go craaaaaazziii.keep it up and ROCK THE WORLD MAN.
suhit u just rock ..i m just crazy for u .....just keep on working hard n dont care what javed says ...just listen to others three judges n give ur best ..dont worry coz most of the people r mad for u...u r the best
I think the voting system is pretty bad. Sony or whatever is the broadcasting system does the SMS system just to get the money out of SMS ( its ~1 Rupee per SMS) and the wellwishers of the contestant send SO MANY SMS. So more popular you are, more SMS you are going to get and more are the chances of you.. Immaterial of your performance in front of judges!!
I totally agree and I can't believe...Sony is doing this to audiences all over the world...brought the 7 contestants...and presented them with pre recorded that they can get more votes and more money...So does it mean that contestnats are sooooo weak that they can't perform live to get back in the show...or what!?
I agree with both of you. Indian Idol 3 winner is going to be the most popular and not necessarily the most talented judging from the votes. I was absolutely shocked when Bhavin and Amit did not make the Top 11, but I hope they will be "lucky" enough to be voted in the Top 13 as the wild cards. I'll have my fingers crossed for those two well deserved singers. Unfortunately, here in south africa we cant influence the votes, so its up to you guys in India to vote for our Indian Idol.
In my opinion Suhit was solely recalled on Alisha's favouritism and ofcourse Ankita on Javed Akhtar's strength.Suhit lacks the ability to sing on such levels.The thing that perturbs me most is that the judges are so blatant with their favouritism. As judges the should know how to exercise objectiveness and fairness.
Also i do realise that the winner will be an INDIAN idol,however i do wish that voting would be open internationally. As a South African,i feel helpless in supporting my favourites.
I wish...we had a choice to vote here in New York...u guys are is sad that we can watch the show..but can't vote. I hope people in India know or at least understand the system...that people like Bhavin and Amit were just eliminated to bring 'em back at some point and this way generate more votes cuz there is no doubt they've got talent. And of course...the more contestants they bring back in the show, it gives 'em more weeks of voting.
i think Ankita and Amit deserves to be in the top 2 . Ankita has the singing power , dancing power , a lovely smile, a favulous personality and above all a great sportsman spirit. I couldn't help respecting her after seeing her sportsmanspirit when she was voted out. She is a show winner in every way.
I am happy Suhit is selected. He deserves to be in the top 12. Anu, Alisha and Udit Narayan are all singers and know better than anyone of us here and if they think that Suhit sings in Sur and is GOOD, how can other people judge that he is not just because one judge Javed Akhtar thinks he is not. SUHIT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I wish I could vote for Ankita and Chang. Unfortunately I am from Tanzania, We can not vote.
Who says that Ankita is Javed's favourite that why she is there? Infact, she deserves. She is a good and performer as well.
Chang got a fabulous voice that can touch anyone's heart. I can still remember when he sang that song of AUR PYAR HOGAYA..Mashallh, this boy is the best.
So sad that Bavin is voted out. I am just MAD over his songs...he sings so well...but unfortunately he's no more in the competition and I was shocked when he was voted out. He's a damn good singer and he doesn't deserve to be voted out. He's much more deserving than Suhit, ankita, richa.....Unfortunately I couldn't vote because I am from Maldives, if I could I will be awake the whole night and vote for him..Hope i can stay in contact with him somehow..Is there ANY way that i can contact him??? Hmmm may b by this way....Bavin please add me.. My add is please please add me or mail me...Im dying to hear from you.
Waiting for you...
hi a big fan of yours and i think that you sing sooo good, i jus love ya performances,dunno why javed akhter is sooo mean....
i think your looks are soo cute and u also sing like rockstar.
SUHIT ROCKS he is such a good singer and so are his performances. dunno what dat javed akhtar guys got against him.he is so biased i think . i think the reason he hates suhit is jealousy he doesnt deserve to be a judge if he carries on saying that suhit cant sing coz if he couldnt sing he wouldnt have even got through to the piano round . the three judges who themselves are singers say that he can sing.i dunno y javed akhtar is bieng so mean to him.anyway suhit deserves to be where he is right now and he should get to the top 12.GOOD LUCK
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD BOY SUHIT. KEEP ON DOIN WAT UR DOIN AND U'LL GET DER UR A BAD BOY SINGER.don care about wot javed says he don wont u to get in coz he jealous.ur makin me go craaaaaazziii.keep it up and ROCK THE WORLD MAN.
Amit is a fantastic what if he forgets the lyrics in said by anu malik he deserves evrything
suhit u just rock ..i m just crazy for u .....just keep on working hard n dont care what javed says ...just listen to others three judges n give ur best ..dont worry coz most of the people r mad for u...u r the best
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