Richa Aneja
Age: 17 Yrs City: Amritsar (Punjab)

Shifa Ansari
Age: 17 Yrs City: Mhow (M.P.)

Smita Adhikari
Age: 24 Yrs City: Kolkata (West Bengal)

Age: 20 YrsCity: Dubai/Chennai

Vartika Shukla
Age: 17 Yrs City: Raipur (Chattisgarh)

Charu Semwal
Age: 19 Yrs City: Dehradun (Uttaranchal)

Age: 18 Yrs City: Patna (Bihar)

Harshida Madhaparia
Age: 19 Yrs City: Middlesex (London)

Priyanka Mukherjee
Age: 22 Yrs City: Kolkata (West Bengal)

Puja Chhaterjee
Age: 18 Yrs City: Jharkhand
hi this is asif ameer from pakistan Islamabad i like to see indian idol and my Favorite Female contestant is Harshida Madhaparia i really like her and her voice too she is so cute and i hope she will be a 3 indian idol i pray for her really
my cell phone # is +92 322 513 8944
Best regards
asif ameer
This is Saroj from Hyderabad, I want to see Harshida Madhaparia as
Favorite Female contestant for indian idol, for her excellent voice and singing skills.
# 09885210714
hi this is pavan from hyderabad
i luv deepalis voice and her her determination on her work,deppali u will and should be the indian idol all the best
if u are intrested call me 919849679698
I like her songs she is my choise i vote for her
I love you
hi i like your songs i vote for you
hi this is vicky from pakistan abbottabad my favorite female contestant is Puja Chhaterjee her voice is soooo beautiful and nice and she should be the the 3 indian idol.
puja that is my mail address atif_zahoor2003@yahoo.com ()
this is arsal from kohat,pakistan.i like vertika's voice.She will be indian idol 3.
hi this is deepanshu from indore.my favorite female contestent is pooja chhaterjee....her voice is excellent...i think she is the only contestent who deserves to be INDIAN IDOL 3......best of luck pooja....i m voting for you continuosly.....
Hi am shujat fron Tanzania....Harshida Ilike ur voice. You sang very well rangiloo maroo....keep it UP. Allde very Best.
Hi this is Shujat fron DAR, Tanzania, Harshida I love ur voice. You sang very very well "Rangilo marooo...." Keep it up.All the very Best to you.
merai Bhataat ki Shaan Harshida
my name is dheerendra and i like Harshida coz of her stylish looks and i want to see cheng as next indian idol
You may not have ever seen me
But you know that I am here.
You can feel me in your heart
As you enter each new day.
I will always be there for you
I am your friend.
Someone to share the good times
As well as the bad.
I make no judgments by what you say
I just listen with my heart and
Hope to be of help in anyway I can.
I will be there for you now and forever
And always please remember
I am your friend!
hello i am efat from bangladesh. i wann a watch the next indian idle is the lovely cute and real singer harshida from london.watch of his eyes she absolutely osam. so i wish she will come top 3. good luck harshida
hi i am efat my first choice is haarshida and the second is one charu sharma. both of them potential skill they are really positive singer.they have enough attitude strength and glamour beauty. so good luck and wishes of the stuning sparking beauties.
if u win must call me the below no
02-01819874461. and my mail is efat449@yahoo.com
hi, this is puja from delhi.my favourite female contestant is pooja chhaterjee....her voice is superb.....
This is Rajesh from Allahabad ( currently in Bangalore )
Not only Me , I think everyone feel you are Female Indian Idol this time...
I heartly wish you all the best...
Do the same in professional life as your did and doing in education life.
Wish to talk you at least one time at my No.- 09886648763
With Best regards,
Rajesh k Singh
Hi Deepali
I am watching regularly your performance. Your voice is really attracted all and performance is going great day by day.
You really choosen such a nice songs and performed well. I always voted for you and also pray to GOD for your all happiness in your coming time.
As GITA says, Karma Kiye Ja Fal ki Iccha mar kar" now seems to be little bit orthodox. If you don't want any fruitful result then you never go for Karma.
Really I want that you should be my INDIAN IDOL.
I am really watching all the performance of Indian Idol, Bharat ki Shaan. The competition is going very touch in Female candidates.
In my opinion only 3 participants will be in race. Deepali, Pooja and Charu.
My heart and vote is always to you Deepali, really your voice & your attitude and mostly your jolly nature influence me. You really choosen such a nice songs and your performance is really catches everyone attraction. I pray to GOD for your all happiness in life and you just believe in your performance. No body knows what is going to be happened in coming time, but one thing is very sure that you will be the INDIA IDOL
Bye Take care
you can mail once at my mail address Please Please Please.
My Emial Id is : puru@nhpc.nic.in
Hi , this is Mousom from India. My favorite contestant is Harshida. I just like her. She drew my attention from the 1st piano round. What can i say bout her....her look is gorgeous. She is looking beautiful and more even, like a diva to ME. Itz true.truely speakng i just love her...
waana have her id, so that i can make contact with her and talk to her....
she got eliminated from the show, but she would be there in my mind 4ever...like a star...
my cell number is +919860650286.
hey frndz,
can any bosy has got Harshidaz mail id or contact number???
plz be kind and give it to me.
Harshida....i am go fida ...
mine is mousom_sm@yahoo.co.in
salam i m mani from pakistan in lahore wel i like it charu semwal hi is so cool singer or main daway say kah saktaaaa hooo charu hi indian idol banay gi by or haan ager pakistan say vote hota to sab ssay ziyada main karta okkkkkkkk
hey smita u got a very nice voice i mst say.keep rockin
i really like deepali's voice..........her voice is so sweet and i think she is the person who is perfectly eligible to be indian idol 3
my favorite female contesten are
they have a tough competition with each other n with Emon as well.. they can really give tough time not to each other but to the judhes n people of india as well...
Puja: she always stuns me with her voice... i would like to hear the song "laga chunri mai Dagh" in her voice.. all the best to Puja Deepali n Charu...
I would like to appreciate all those voters who vote and support from deferent-deferent part of India and Middle East , after all I just want to say please don’t votes emotionally vote carefully. Your vote is their career.
Deepali…Deepali you are rock come on and keep it up;
Deepali we would like to see you as an Indian Idol of 2007, and I hope you will bring our dreams comes true.
I wish you all the best ………..
Your well wisher
Ansari Faisal
heloooo guyzzz.
hope u guyz r doin gud!i must say dat dis indian idol 3 is da most rocking1.All girls r doin a reat jod,but my fav r charu n deepali.congrats deepali 4 ur top position in ur college.best of luck 2 all of u!
my vote is for ankita she sings really beautifully but she has gone out from compitetion now n i even love her becoz of her persnolity n confident she is really nice i think she will come back soon in indian idol
ankita is the best
ankita i love u i kno u can see this but if u can than i love u
hi!!!!!! dis iz ash fm uk
hi harshida u r d best evr ....we r really shocked dat u r vote out btw m sure u will cum back in indian idol 3 becoz der r 2 more place in final top 13 so m sure u will cum back best of luck harsida ....me,ma frds n our city UK would support u ....u r gr8 dear
all d best dear
dis iz ash...mf uk(lester)
ankita wish u all the best. We want to see u on stage back. I have just waiting for the wildcard.
Hopefully u will be selected
HI Puja
Your performance is rocking, the melody of ur voice is sweet, people should bcome mad after ur voice you have to be the INDIAN IDOL3
This is honey from Pakistan.i like Indian idol show.all the contestant are very gr8.the gulz whom i like to vote r charu and smita.you both guys r very good singers . keep it up. and in boys i like chang bcoz he is an awesome singer very cute and stunning u rock man.
best of luck to all contestant
hi this is jatin
my vote goes to charu semwal coz i like her nd i love her voice too
nd i knw she is going to win the titlle
so all the best charu
love u
hi this is rihan from chennai i like 2 see indian idol nd my fav contstant is deepali i really lyk her nd her voice 2 and i hpe she will be a 3 indian idol .....hi deepali if ur intersted then plz mail me rihan09@yahoo.com...plz
I thnk deepali or puja wil b an Indian idol...
both r sweet as like his voice,,,
And i like sajna aa bhi ja song sung by pooja..
my best wishes for both...
best of luck...
hiiiiiiiii i m sahil i m a big buff of indian idol 3 i love charu voice. i m sure i m voting for her continiously and my frnds r voting tooooooooo.charu u r greattttttttttt.dont panic i m with u
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu nooooooooo body come in ur path .whole himachal is voting for uuuuuu only and only. i m a great fan of u and will b alwayssss.
please contact meeeeeeeee when u win my no is 01792220870
my no is only for charuuuuuuuuuuuu
hi deepali this is salman from pakistan and i like the quality of your voice . but the prblm iz i cant come to india to meet you my parents didnt allow me but i wana talk with you or chat with you for atleast one time can you give me your e mail address or cell number i will not give it anyone thatz my promise. send me your e mail adress or other contact number to my e mail adress "sam_roking@hotmail.com" on msn or on this number 03222875963 i m not that type of boy who spread the number of a grl so be sure i m waiting and now in the end best of luck and best wishes. bye tcre allah hafiz
deepali plzzzz for one time i wana talk with you plzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzz plzzz send your e mail adress or cell number on my phone or my account i m waiting bye tcre allah hafiz
hi,this is mamta from haryana i like puja so much.
Puja u r my indian idol
puja please e-mail me at
hi..........I'm Aditya from Maharashtra...
Vartika...U r my favourite contestant in Indian Idol3....but somehow I couldn't vote 4 U.....
hey Vartika plz mail me.........
only once....here it is
plz Vartika I'm biiiiiiig fan of U..........
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