It’s hard to believe that Suhit has never got any training in music. His lively voice, electric moves, immense stage presence and oodles of X factor had made him one of the most promising contestants on this year’s Indian Idol. But when the time came for selecting the Top 10, the janta and the judges voted him out. But why?
We met Suhit in the green room, right after his elimination. He looked down and out. “I was never meant for a music career,” he said. Does he feel so because of a single rejection? After all, there will be many other chances.
Suhit wants to do his MBA, and, most probably, rock the IT industry. He never thought he would make it to the Top 12. Music was never his agenda. In a way, he surprised himself. So why is he upset now?
“Well, as I started going up the ladder, I took it as a challenge. It always hurts when you’re rejected,” he said. “The judges discarded me. That’s when I lost the game.
We met Suhit in the green room, right after his elimination. He looked down and out. “I was never meant for a music career,” he said. Does he feel so because of a single rejection? After all, there will be many other chances.
Suhit wants to do his MBA, and, most probably, rock the IT industry. He never thought he would make it to the Top 12. Music was never his agenda. In a way, he surprised himself. So why is he upset now?
“Well, as I started going up the ladder, I took it as a challenge. It always hurts when you’re rejected,” he said. “The judges discarded me. That’s when I lost the game.
But one achievement he cannot deny is the female fan following he has across the country today. He smiled and said, “Well, I don’t know about any girls being crazy about me, never came across one.” That’s being modest, isn’t it Suhit?
suhit i dont think u should go back to livin a normal life.u deserve better. u'r very talented and down to earth. dont waste u'r talent.u'r performing skills are amaaazing just need to work a lil bit more on u'r low notes. u were the best one there u'v got it all.GOOD LUCK FOR THE FUTURE.
hey salaam ......u re a good singer but i wanna request you to plz convey my messege to chang to contact me plz i shall be thankful to you....em here in islamabad ,pakistan i really like chang so much ....meri har namaaz ki dua main chang hain plz tell him to contact me my id is mareejaved@hotmail.com
khuda hafiz
So there are ppl who like Suhit. n e ways i think only Alisha likes her, and by the way he should not sing if he dont want to do that and he is saying this now bcoz of his attitude problem.
dude! ur a metalhead! thats so cool! u shud form a band and do some children of bodom or behemoth!! i loved ur growling vocals!!
\m/ stay metal \m/
i cant believe i was lookin for u on the internet! hehehe! lol
i like guy who growl! ;D keep it up!!
i hope to meet u someday! i'm a metal guitarist! my name is amisha...
mail me on criminally_insane6_6_6@yahoo.co.in
we shud jam up sometime! :D
i fink u sik singer u shud cum london ull make a big record
I still remember those days...Indian idol..2007.. memories of ajmer..my childhood..
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