Richa From Delhi


Smita From Kolkata

Puja From Jharkand

Emon Chatterjee - Kolkata
Abhishek Kumar - Bhopal
Indian Idol 4 is back.Here you will find latest information on INDIAN IDOL 4,Latest News of Indian Idol, Photo and Image gallery of Indian Idol 4 as it happens on the Sony TV show Indian Idol.
hiiiiiiii everybody.this is sunil from andhra pradesh........
I am going to miss the performance of ankitha mishra a lot.....
She is a mind blowing performer....
She is cute.......
She will remain in the heart of our andhra people 4 ever.......
She took away our hearts along with her......
she is definitely an INDIAN IDOL.....
Suhit might have left but he is still my favourite and i want him to come back from the wild card thingee. he's a true performer and surely an indian idol.we miss you xx
I am sad for ankita, but i dont think suhit deserved it, he did not sing well at all, it was all show baazi and no real singing!
I am sad for ankita , but sujit did not deserve to be in top 10
he was not a good singer , he was only a performer
Though i never got opportunity to watch Indian Idol One and Two, but yes this time i really could not miss it. I found two contestants Richa and Prashant performance really mind blowing. These two contestants sing difficult to difficult song with out any efforts that it sounds as if we listening to the original singers who recorded the songs for movie in first go.
Keep it up Richa and Prashant
Narinder kaur
hi ,abhishek sir ji.bus aap lage raho sirupar wale ne chaha to aap jaroor indian idol banoge.tension illa.....
reply me ..shakilbhai786@yahoo.co.in
prashant!I am very happy for you.just keep up your performance and leave rest thing to us.WE are always there to vote for you becoz of your amazing performances!
Prashant!! u r d INDIAN IDOL of us.... coz u r d best signer of dis contest...u'll alwys in our heart...we NEPALESE's hearts....we wishs u all d best....we pray 4 ur success......HIp HIp Hurreeyyyyy.....Prashant HUrreey...
Meiyang Chang i just like u so.............much.u r so cute+sweet. U r the Indian Idol-3.
Hope u reply to me: muntaha_mun@yahoo.com
hi parleen,i am from ambala.wish u best of luck.my email id. is anshuojas@gmail.com.plz do contact me as i feel proud to see u on sony
Hey hi ,
Honestly i just knew you as one of the good singer's in Indian Idol n then you all made a band Fantastic 4 [F4] well i really like your singing ,dance,smile,sense of humor , personality everything …….. I hope you remember me am the same girl when you had visited to Kuwait for a show at Shaab i am the Girl who was in the audience wearing light pink shirt with open hair …….. i really want to personally know you because i find you similar in many things to me and ur simply great Please add me up or reply me back i want your personal email id . I hope you dont mind ……. i had tried alot that day to meet you but they did not allow …. I really have know idea what’s wrong with me from that time it self …. i cant think anything else other about you , your face will keep rolling in my mind . Please i begg u am just asking for Friendship. Please add me lilmiss_angel_eyesz@yahoo.com . I hope you reply soon . SORRY if i have said anything wrong .All the best for your future , Take care . God Bless. Love you :->
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