Meiyang Chang has been every girl's favorite contestant, whether it is Mini or Alisha or the screaming teenagers sitting among the audiences. His good looks, coupled with a great voice and distinct style of presentation makes him irresistible as a contestant. His elimination was a rude shock for everyone, including himself.
Q. Are you angry that the public has voted you out despite your good performance?
Ans: I am not angry. I can't be angry with public, as there was a time when I was not singing well. At that time even I got ahead due to public votes. That's why I never said anything against public voting.
I can't blame anybody as the public has the right to choose whom they want to. At the same time, I feel it could have been a 50/50 voting system. 50% public voting and 50% judges' choice. But if that that was the rule then I wouldn't have been here today. Probably from the next time, they can consider this. It will help those who have worked hard to be better singers through the show.
Q. Your last performance was better than Emon's; do you think he should have gone instead of you?
Ans: If Emon had gone, then it would have been a total flop show. Emon is superb and he has to be in the finals. Honestly, Ankita should have gone. She was pitted against Puja, and she is till there. She was pitted against Deepali, and she is still here. Puja and Deepali are definitely better singers than her.
Q. So do you think Ankita should have gone, not you?
Ans: Maybe, maybe. Nobody is bad, somebody is good and somebody is a little weaker then that…. if you consider a person's voice, how good he is with music etc. I don't think I am that good. I am confident but I never put myself against some of the trained singers. At this stage, I am not that great. If I have to rate then I'll rate Prashant, Ankita and me at the same level. Each one of us has our strong points and our weak points. Maybe I should've gone ahead, but never mind.
I guess Ankita has something that others don't…. and public has voted her for her strong points. I wish her all the best!
Q. Do you think performance is more important or singing?
Ans: I'll give it an 80:20 ratio. 80 for singing and 20 for performance. In the audio-visual medium performance enhances the entire experience but it can never be at the cost of singing. You can't go off tune and perform well after that.
Q. Has Indian Idol changed your focus in life?
You are a dentist, now you seem to have transformed into a full-time singer. Ans: Yes, I've found my true calling, and at present I want to really work hard with my singing. I want to get good training and emerge. It's not that now that I got voted out, so I want to prove something to someone. It`s just that now people have noticed me now. They like my voice so I want to make the most of this opportunity and grab the best of offers that I get.
Q. What is your future plan? Do you want to do playback?
Ans: I want to learn music from a good trainer. At the same time, i want to go and meet the music directors & struggle to make my place in the industry. Playback singing is very competitive. Before plunging into it, I want to improvise myself. Perhaps cut an album of mine and then I'll definitely be ready. But if someone calls me in the meantime with some offers then I'll definitely grab the opportunity. I just want to become better and better and better.
Q. Do you want to continue with your dentist practice?
Ans: At this point of time, it will take a backseat. My focus right now is to be related to the industry. I don't know how but I've to figure it out. I want to come back with a bang! I want to see what opportunities I will get out here. For instance, Suhit has done an ad for Kit Kat. People are getting breaks because of Indian Idol. I want to see if something good is waiting for me too.
Q. Alisha looks heartbroken that you're out. Will you miss her too?
Ans: Alisha madam has always praised me a lot. She is an amazingly sweet person. She even walked out of the stage when they declared I was out but I didn't want her to take such a drastic step. I was glad when she came back and gave me this cap as a memento. I will keep it as a precious gift for the rest of my life.
Q. Do you think they're being honest with their judgement?
Ans: With me, I've always felt that they have been honest. In fact, I can make out from their reactions only, if they like my song or not. If they like it, they praise openly, if they don't, then they don't want to break their heart. So they'll just say they're happy. By that only you can gage, what they're feeling. I am pretty happy with their response.
Q. Any message to the public?
Ans: Thank you very much for bringing me till here. There are just 4 people left now, so please vote sensibly and do not forget me. Please remember me till I come back as an even better singer.