This time itz time for Ankita to be eliminated. With Ankita Mishra's elimination in Indian Idol, all dreams of having a girl as Indian Idol this year, has faded away. Today Prashant was the first to be declared to enter the Top -3 , then it was the turn of Amit to be safe while Emon and Ankita were in danger zone. When Mini asked the judges to choose one of them out of two -- all the threee judges except Javed vote for Emon. This time janta also supported the judges and Anky-baby Ankita was out of the show.
As Javedji said Ankita Mishra was surely the 'Life of Indian Idol' and her electrifying performance will be missed in every gala.
Great janata, for your judgment, but I am hoping for Emon to be out, may be next time for him.
today is the most most most bed day of my lilhood life...Really i feel so sad and my out of control heart is too much havey and feeling too much sad..really friends when i was left the O level Courses of under suppervision of Oxford university London..and when i join a normal shool then Oxford i was not that much hurted which i am feelling tired of my life.. Ankeeta i love you too much dear..i think so that today is my 2nd bed day after Left Oxford courses..
and also i am here again for ankita that i am Niat Tamanna (Abd-Al-Nasiri) from pakistan ...Ankita? if you are wiewing my coments or any visitor who knows Ankita's Contact number so please please please..any one could possibaly give me on(niatmono333@yahoo.com).. i shall be that full for this regard
Thank god!!! I am so relieved that Ankita was not let to knock out yet another good singer!!!!! FIRST AND FOREMOST, THIS IS A SINGING COMPETITION,GUYS PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS AND VOTE,,thanks to all those who helped preserve the integrity of the show by voting for EMON....
If anyone in INDIAN IDOL production reads this blog please consider this comment. Why there is only 12 hrs window for JANTA to vote. For regular person who has job and family, you are asking them to watch the 8pm and have the votes in by 8AM next day. For people have life this is not enough time. People with kids have to put them to sleep, take care of other family and society obligation. So you are getting votes only from younger kids and teenagers who doesn't have lot to do. So you will keep losing good singers like Deepali, Puja, Abhishek who don't connect with young kids as well as Ankita who is terriable singer.
Are you trying to attract only younger viewer from this show? This is not a true JANTA'S VOTE atleast untill final 2 show down. If good singers are continue to be voted out why should we watch show. For this reason SA RA GA MA PA is better because you can vote for more than 12 hrs so true singers stays in show. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS.
Finally she is out. I still don't understand why PRASHANT is still their. He is getting all the votes from Indian Police Department. It will shame if EMON lose next week and PRASHANT wins. Please JANTA DO NOT VOTE FOR PRASHANT. WE NEED FINAL SHOWDOWN BETWEEN TWO GREAT SINGER AND THAT SHOULD BE BETWEEN AMIT AND EMON.
I think Emon should have left coz he is the worst singer of the lot...though people like a few ere and my bro would disagree I would say Ankita was the best combo of Singing and Performing....People who think she doesn't hav a voice are either tone deaf or don't want to come out of the stereotype singers sweet voices like Alka Yagnik....Indian Idol is singing yes but Performance is absolutely necessary...as you cannot teachsomeone to be confident and to build their self confidence up if the person is a d'uh...ankita was gr8 and the rest were just very dull in comparison...ah well not the first time janta got it wrong...last time karunya and this time ankita....ohwell hope ankita shines as bright as karunya now!!!!
YIPPEEEEEE....I am so glad, not only because Emon is back..but also due to the confirmation that INDIAN AUDIENCE understands music..and does not blindly vote and compromise good singing talent for a few minutes of dancing entertainment.....
Tejas, Prashant is getting not just indian police votes, but also all Nepali's votes as well.... Its disgusting to see Udit supporting him openly in the competition shamelessly.... I have never seen such a biased shameless moral less judge.... Shame on you Udit
finally , public have shown that they do have a sense for good singing.i would have been pleased if the final four contestants would have been, emon, amit, puja and that patna girl.
this is a singing competition. if you are a versatile singer, then only one will start looking at other qualities like performance, confidence etc. but singing can not be compromised for sure. its really disheartening to know that such an intellectual person like javed akhtar ji,would praise ankita for performance and critisice emon for goodsinging.
some reief at last.
finally the public got it right this time. its disheartening to know that such an intelectual person like javed akhtar ji would praise ankita for the performance and critisize emon for his good singing.
this is a singing competition and person aspiring to be an indian idol should be a verstile singer.other qualities like performance would come next. but one cannot think of winning this contest purely on the basis of performance.
it would have been great if final would have been between emon , amit and puja.
presence fo ankita in this contest particularly at this level was a big disgrace same as maully is for sa re ga ma pa.
prashant is best.. ofcourse we will vote him even though amit paul is better i know... coz.. we love prashant.. if u can vote ankita and bring her till this round we can also vote prashant till final....coz all it matters is vote.......that is what happens last time aslo .. coz karunya lost....due to voting..
yes udit had supported but he hast not cheated to make prashant win.. its the vote so...
what ever counts is vote.. and people dont say nepali people and indian people.. he is gettingf vote.. coz the program is made like that so tha we can vote the singerss....we like. its totally fair. plzz dont get bias in making group!!!
this time they have atlest choosen the right person thank god.............
Ankita made it to top 4 and that a achievement for her kind of talent - Good mix of performance, presence and singing. She could have been out few weeks back already so she shouldnt have expected anything more than this.
Regarding this show, I see these judges except Javed displays how unorganise and biased while observing and commenting. For those who see American Idol or other Idol shows, judges are well organise, well spoken and keeps the decorum of the show. Though people like Simon Cowell shows honestly and add spice to the show. In our case, everyone makes useless comments, argues themselves and confuses the contestants. It shows how unorganise thier daily work and way of thinking is. Feel bad for the show specially those viewing outside India.
And on top of that, Mini and Hussain makes random drama that is totally without humour or gets attention. Sony need to rethink this whole show.
Regarding the winner, it will be Amit Paul as he got the best combination of all. Prashant will be runner-up. Emon will be disappointed next week knowing he doesnt have any personality for Idol though he will get the attention and status that desired anyway.
Good luck.
Everyone knows that she is a gr8 performer and a singer also but her singing is not as perfect as Amit or Emon so she couldnt be an Indian Idol but there is a competition and in the competition the thing matter is last performance and every1 knows how Ankita performed yesterday. Pershant and Emon were criticized and among the both, Pershant is not a good singer and if India vote on justice then he might had gone much earlier LEKIN he got maximum number of votes today. The finally the decision is Ankita is out of the show and just bcoz Pershant got maximum votes, so he is better singer then AMIT PAUL.
This is such a ridicules thing and I dont think that I gona watch the show any more if in the next round I will find Pershant in the safe zone and Amit or Emon have to leave.
also 1 more thing, tejas commented the same way as I do and arjun is just opposite to it, so its all up to u, choose the best singer by votes and make Pershant an indian Idol. It will the most funniest moment for me in my life. Go vote for pershant.
Ankita is now out.... the spark of the show is doused
i have lost the interest in the show
Carry on you dumbheads!!!!!
ohhh thnx god shez out...i dont like her singing either her style
As a new viewer to this show, I don't understand the public's voting pattern and their choices.
I thought that Prashant would have been eliminated based on his last performance that was off key in round 2, and not Ankita. She did sing and perform well in the last show! It surprised me that she's gone but really for female singers, Deepali or Puja were much better no doubt and she should have been eliminated much earlier! Next Prashant needs to go and not Emon!!! I still think that Emon and Amit Pal are very good singers and I am behind Emon who I feel has been given a "bad rap" about being like Sonu and not having his "own voice".. His rendition of songs is his not Sonu's...when in fact its his rendition and to be considered like Sonu is a compliment yet seems to be unfairly pulling him back. He's an excellent singer.. check out "Teri Deewani" that he sang much better than the original singer for proof of his talent a few episodes back. Give Emon the support he deserves and vote for his great talent! Both Amit and Emon will be rising stars in the Indian Music scene.
Ankita talked after her elimination,
Visit and read @
Hello All,
I was really happy to see that our Brother Prasant saved as he devesrves it . Now no one can stop him to be next INDIAN IDOL. I am really happy for him and we all friends have started celebrating for his INDIAN IDOL CROWN . we love you prasant and you deserve what you are today
I am very shocked ankita is out,I think Emon to be out.
Emon not out because Anu Malik giving him a very huge numbers that really frustrated.
Now i hope next Indial will be Amit paul because his singing was deserving to be on the top
Ankita was, is & will remain the best forever.......What if she is eliminated. That doesnet mean that she is a loser...
yesterday was the best day of indian idol as horrible singer like ankita had to leave the show.I think Javed saheb has gone mad as he can predict for sure that Emon will never be a good playback singer,I think he was the one who is most biased.I wish the final is between amit and emon and amit wins.
Thank goodness that Ankita is out. She should have been out ages ago before Perlin, Abhishek, Deepali or Puja. Even her bhajan was totally out of tune.
Javed Akhtar was very unfair to talk about Emon's future in such a negative way. His remarks are very mean and unbecoming for a person of his stature. Shame on you Uncle Javed. In future, try to behave in a more matured way and please try to be more neutral
I was shocked but not surprised to see Javed Akhtar say bad things againstEmon and blindly support Ankita in the name of opposite prejudice ! This from a man who has 3 wives himself !!! And Anu rightly stopped him from posioning the mind of people against Emon. JAved himself has been trying to copy Gulzar for last 30 years. Even Anu has moved away from blind support of Ankita but JAved persists. Thanks to Ankita and her raunchy item nos and personality, we have lost genuine singers like Deepali and Pooja. I am sure Ankita is a great fit for Chandni Bar or Item no Competition - but not Idol. And Javed, shame on you old man, you cannot stop getting the hots for someone young enough to be your granddaughter. And Ankita - stop servicing judges and start singing !
I vote for Amit 1st Place, Prashant 2nd Place and Emon 3rd place at this stage. Amit you got to choose a soul touching song this time as that's when you will move the Janta's hearts to vote for you, Prashant is Great never know he may take the tile. Actually I would rate A1. Amit, 2. Prashant & 3 Chang instead of Emon.
Wonder why Prashant is being criticized by the judges so much, Hey Prashant you are Too Good dont loose hope as I see you are in the final.
Amit you are my favourate buck up boy you have fallen short this time too against Prashant.
Hey Guys Posting your comments on this site, I was just going through all your comments. Please be civilized when you write.
Yes I see that every Judge is having his or her favourate singer, but then you and I also have our favourate singer so just let it be. They has a chance to express that instantly and we have a chance to write on this site. DONE.
According to me AMIT & PRASHANT have to be in the finals otherwise it will not be worth the time to spend watching the finals.
I am glad that now Ankita has gone but it was quite sad wen she left but she wasn't that good anyway just as a performer.x but because of her deepali and pooja and even chang are gone :(
Eliminating Ankita is very bad decision. Even my 4yrs and 8yrs daughter did not like it.
Hooray one of the weaker singers finally went out. It amazes me why Chang, Ankita and Prashant have last so long!!! Bring back Deepali and Puja.
Ankita is the best. Shame on all you people who say puja and emon deserve to be in the finals. It's sad to know you people are deaf. And shame on people to say javed has hots for ankita. Get your mind out of the gutter. To support a good person does not mean you like them in that way. People please stop with the bias against girls. I am really sad she had to get eliminated. And all you people who have nasty things to say about her, keep it to your self. All you people who have low self esteems are just jealous. Whoever hates Ankita shows they don't have any confidence of their own and are just jealous.
Zaved Akhtar appeared like a spoiled brat, first by trying to predict Emon's future as a playback singer, and then when confronted by Anu Malik he would not allow him to speak! This was absolutely outrageous and shameful on the part of Mr. Akhtar, whom at one point of time I thought was a fair judge. His defense of Ankita displayed immature and rather silly thinking process that only a person with a lower intellect would do.
Indian Idol competition though a visual program, and is mainly intended for the TV audience, is not a sister program of Boogie-Woogie. It is one where singing talent comes supersedes the so-called "performance" criteria, which stupid judges like Javed Akhtar has been touting for some time. In fact, far more talented female candidates like Deepali, Semu Chenwal, and of course Pooja were all out voted because the judges like Javed Akhtar and Udit Naryan were able to influence the public voting pattern through their snide remarks.
Ankita was eliminated in an earlier round, but I understand that Mr. Javed Akhtar must have pulled all the strings that he had, to revive her back into the thick of things. Unfortunately, Ankita was neither a singer, nor a performer, and this is as far as she could come given the backing of the judges.
Talking of "performance", Ankita is not a very attractive looking female star, and all the actions are very monotonous and never so attractive that some ordinary street urchins are incapable of performing at the Ganapati Bappa or the Durga Puja ceremony as a street performer. More so, when she is barely 5 feet in height!
So, Mr. Akhtar, you have been a disgrace as a judge because you were not judging this competition objectively. You had an agenda and that was to promote a female candidate (even though she was the worst among the other females) just to pretend and show off that you are all for "Bharitaya Naari". I have found your attitude to be incapable of being a judge at any level. Please resign from this and let the true talent be the winner. I have far more faith in the judgment of the Indian people; at least they are honest in picking the winner of their choice. I have one suggestion for you and that would be go and write 2 cents worth lyrics, which would cater to then needs of the paan-waallahs, and the brothel- pimps.
its shamless that prashant has come upto this stage...he must be out now and anky baby dersve to reach upto top 3 but i think for an indian idol, amit paul deserves it...
It was very wrong of Javed Akhtar to say those things about Emon. Very Wrong and he has no right to say that about him just because he is famous doesn't mean he can predict emon's future and say such negative things! x very wrong of him to do that! :( and how is it emon's fault that his voice is like sonu nigam??? he cant help it! His voice is like that, stop being so mean to him. :O
from London.
What is wrong with Javed Akhtar?
First, he tries to end Emon's career before it starts. Then, he says that there are biases and prejudices in India. I think he is the one who has prejudices against emon. Third, he is endorsing a girl who sings bhajans dressed like that.
I think Ankita probably has an offer or something from Javed Akhtar which is why Mini said you are not going home and ankita used the analogy of the birds to say that she is now going to go into the film industry.
Tomorrow when Emon comes out with an album or something, lets see how many of his fans even listen to his songs a second time. He has no soul to his singing. Technically he may be correct, but one needs personality behind his or her voice.
Ankita had that. All the girls are just plain jealous and have a complex seeing her confidence. She has guts and she might just be more successful than all of you think.
As far as singing bhajan in those clothes, its your thought that is pathetic. I think the majority of janta is shallow and just can't look beyond the obvious. You just don't know how to judge people. Javed Akhtar has been spot on with her comments on Ankita and I am sure she would answer her critics sooner or later.
Well guys
Of course Javed Akhtar wasnt objective in judging Emon's future or talent. Since every judge had spoken in favour of Emon, Javedji took an altogether negative line on Emon unfortunately. But if Mini and Husaain hadnt cleared Prashant and Amit beforehand , and placed all the four before the judges and asked them who they thought would be eliminated, I am sure, the comments would have been a lot different. They would have probably unanimously voted for Prashant to be out. Just because Prashant has family and friends who have pooled in a lot of rupees to get votes, does not guarantee him any future. He may become the Indian idol, but what then? He may get enough money to last him long, but what about his career. The way he sings , I dont think there would be many music directors lining up to get him. Ankita's elimination should have come probably earlier than Deepali's. If the idol is Amit or Emon, then we have a game. Or else its going to be hands down for Prashant, not beacuse of his talent, but because of the money being thrown around. Money and sms votes can make you the Indian Idol, but only talent will make you the future of the Indian Music Industry, and Prashant, I am afraid has it only on a mediocre level. Amit and Emon are a different story altogether. But the elimination of one of them in the next round will not be a surprise for me.
Great Earnless janta Not Judge a good and tallent singer, because Prashnat and Emon not a very tallent singer Specially Emon Compleately (Voice & action) copy Sonu Nigam, Emon Voice not a original voice comparatively Pooja & ankita. I agree Javed Saheb statement,so I hope next round Emon will have out of the Indian Idol show
its really loose of gud performer, bcoz among 4 singer ankita was gud performer as well as singer and remainig 3 are only gud singer. if i have to choose indian idol 3 then i choose the name ankita. i really feel sory when ankita was elliminated. so this msg for ankita only---" ANKITA WE ARE MISSING SO MUCH . PLZ PLZ COME BACK. LOVE U"""""
Ankita got rightly out. I do not think it should be a topic of debate that Ankita doesn't have singing quality to become Indian Idol. As far as the remaining three are concerned, well, Amit stands tallest by a huge margin. Emon is ok - just an average singer -neither excellent nor outstanding. So is Prashant. But he has a slight edge over Emon in that Prashant has a natural and original voice whereas Emon always imitates Sonu Nigam. So, I am hoping to see a final between Amit and Prashant.
i think prasanth will be out but bad luck the rocking and charmi girl ankitha out it is disappoint every one.janatha vote on what basis i don't know.i think amith will be an INDIAN IDOL3.in indian idol2 also we thought karunya will win but it turns
Hey ankita..it was really painful to see u leaving the Indian Idol..I dont say that it was a surprise for me or i never expected this..I knew, u gonna loose honey..but believe me, it hurt more than anything..its still hurting alot in the bottom of my heart...i will always miss u and i have lost interest in Indian Idol...i dont even feel like watching it anymore...Dont care for who says u were not a fabulous singer but a performer...they are completely wrong....they should try to sing piya tu ab to aaja....the way u did...U r the greatest singer and performer as well and inshallah u gonna make ur name on singing....best of luck in ur life and i wish u the most beautiful life...amin..love u baby.
lady from tanzania.
Javedji, thanks for supporing my baby ankita. Atleast u made her feel better, that atleast she isnt so bad to be eliminated......one has to leave every saturday, and this was her turn....i hated seeing her going..she is was my favourite and still is..for me, she is the indian idol already...
its bull shit to say that prashant is only there becuz of votes from the nepalis and policemen in india. he has a good voice, it seems that he was low on confidence since he didn't have any formal training but now that his confidence is up, you can really feel him stepping up to the occasion. same goes to amit paul also. bravo u two guys!! may the best win..
P.S: i m not a nepali but i will vote for prashant. to be in the top 3 without any appreciation from the judges shows that the lad has got some mettle.
As Javed Akhter said, the Indian junta just happens to be prejudiced and biased. It's really awful that Ankita ended up being eliminated. What the junta does'nt see is the amount of passion she had put in into her singing as well as performance. The junta may say....ooohh....Deepali, Puja, Emon have better voices......granted. But there are tons of people in India with sweet sugary voices. So why doesnt every sweet voiced guy end up as a star?????
To be a star you have to be Unique in all respects. Lucky Ali has this rough sorta voice.....he's famous.....Remo Fernandes has a raw spunk to his voice....he is famous.....both Lucky Ali and Remo might noy have that surila classical voice...but they got the junta grooving to their numbers. And HELLO!!!!!! the show is called Indian Idol....not Indian Awaz.....or Indian Surila Sangram....an crap. Its the all round persona that one sees. Else why would they bother giving the contestants a make over an all??....Now if we were talking about Star voice of India or meri awaz suno......the voice overall is indeed important.....
An Idol is a show stopper...a crowd puller....someone who draws ur attention the minute he/she steps on stage. And Ankita had that quality.
Now Sunidhi Chauhan has this raw screechy voice not entirely surila like Alka Yagnik but nvertheless she Rocks every song she renders. Ankita sings with the same passion (note the word 'passion' not voice) The Same for Kailash Kher.....his down to earth raspy voice has got the people grooving. Shakira though accused for having a masculine bass voice is an absolute Show Stopper.
Now why isi'nt Abhijeet Sawant that famous???? (And I guarantee he wont be famous enough either).......Hes the surila singer the junta needs.....any
If the winner of Indian Idol 3 doesnt end up famous enough...I wont be the least bit surprised..coz we need an IDOL....not another dull sweet surila singing guy, who might end up singing later for mouth freshner commercials.
Ankita would certainly Rock any pop album with her looks and personality. She sings though not surila enough....she sings with passion....a quality only few accomplished singers like Shakira, Kailash Kher or Sunidhi Chauhan possess.
Its passion the world needs and appreciates....its passion the world thrives upon.
About time 4 the Indian Junta to get with it.....and realise what is it that they exactly want.
hey wobbly indians,
ankita was gettin' better with her singing. now that she's out bcoz of the patriarchal & orthodox indians), the best of the 3 is amit. amit has got class, style, an unique & powerful voice. when will indians grow up & accept a female indian idol? india have had a female Pm & lately a Prez.if ur mothers or sisters were in place of ankita, wldn't u have had voted for them? the men in india vote for the guys bcoz they r MCPs. the women vote for the guys bcoz they r in love with the male looks. finally, indians r egoist, sexist & shallow. in the american idol contest - no matter what - color, sex, race, size - all 've an equal chance of being an idol. they base it on performance, singing & the extent of crowd pulling, & not the voice quality alone. remeber indian idol's not voice of india (star plus), where only voice shd be a criteria of judgement. indian voters - u suck!!
Guys Emon is the best ! Please go ahead and vote for him..
Emon Zindabaad !
And thank you India for voting Ankita out. She will be definitely seen in a suburban Mumbai bar very soon. And javed ji will be her only customer.
its good that ankita has gone ..........it should be emon next
AMIT is the BEST
Hi This is Khadim rajar from Karachi Pakistan.
Yesterday was very said day because Ankita Mishra Was out from the Indion Idol.
I suggest to Indian Janata that"if U are understand the music then vote Emon Because is also great singer".
Well that was the best possible result that Ankita was out! I am wondering how on earth Parshant is in TOP3! As far as Emon copying Sonu is concerned, I remember Sonu was being blamed of copying great M. Rafi and now every one follows Sonu! so I rate Emon better than what Javewd Akhter had quoted. As far as hot seat is concerned should go to Amit followed by Emon
How true u r Vyazz...u said the truth about Ankita...she really deserves to be the Indian Idol...she rocks, rocks and rocks like hell....inspite of knowing this, i was 100% sure that she is not going to be the one and they will eliminate her....she got personally, unique voice and the great performer...I wonder what are indian janta do...I wish we Tanzanians could vote....we all love the girl..she is the indian idol, no matter what....
At the moment, i can just think of Amit, the rest are just bullshit....but i am sure, amit is gonna be eliminated soon though he is better than the remainings...
I meant personality not personally...(typing error)
i luv watching indian idoo ,,never missed .....wrong decision in eliminating parleen ,ankita and sply emon
Prashant has none but Zaved Akhtar to thank. Wonder why Emon fell from his grace, perhaps for adorning the red tika on his forehead, in one recent show. Prashant is a good singer, but he was no comparison for Emon, who was much more versatile and talented. Likewise, Amit is a far superior singer than Prashant, but then the voting is a different story! Now that many more people will be voting due to extended time, the Nepali crowd and the police brotherhood can no longer bail out the less talented Prashant, who should have been no more than 6 th or 7 th. Surely, Pooja, Dipali, Ankita and Parleen were better talents!
To my Nepali friends all I can say is vote, vote and more vote for Prashant! That is the only way Sony TV will be able to make the money that they will have to award to Amit, when he wins this challenge.
Given the poor quality of Prashant’s voice will not allow him to become a playback singer in Bollywood. Sure he will sing for you folks in the Nepali media, and an occasional Bhojpuri number here and there. The music industry knows who the real talents are and Indian Idol or not, they will have a wide range of choice from among Amit, Emon, Pooja, Dipali, and Ankita from the Indian Idol crowd. There are more talented youngsters in the Saregama challenge, where Aneek, Amanat, Sumedha, Poonam, Mussarat, and Raja Hasan are all better singers compared to Prashant.
I do not know what string Prashant pulled, but it would be the shocker of the century if he wins this challenge! May good sense prevail and may the superior candidate Amit win! Amit, go all the way! Good luck to you!
HAHA... we dont care what porashant dose or do.. but any way finally prashant won. and haha win is win ... hehe haha ...finally nepali won.....
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