The third season of Indian Idol attempts to strengthen the association with the viewers by aiming to present the best singing talent from across the nation in the most entertaining and involving manner. To make this possible, Sony Entertainment Television has rolled out 12 city auditions across the country. With its immense popularity in India as well as overseas, the third season of Indian Idol will be holding the first ever international auditions (valid only for Non Resident Indians) in Dubai. This year too Indian Idol will give the people of this nation the opportunity to chase their dreams and the power to make one talented aspirant ‘Bharat Ki Shaan’. In addition to a recording contract with Sony BMG, the ‘Indian Idol’ will be awarded a contract with Sony Entertainment Television worth Rupees One Crore, thus catapulting him/her to unparalleled stardom, fame and fortune.
That sweet lil girl has left a very bad impression by not wanting to sing with Prasant Tamang for the second round....and Prasant is good...wonder what the girl wants....anyways hope she realises her mistake and stops being a snob!!!
yes I agree! I don't like the sweet little girl anymore..
That girl is sucking racists...I did not no In India also happen ...Prasant is a nepali guy...No wonder..She's a damm fcuking...If i were thee..i could have justwack her up....
tottally agree wit u ppl..tht girl needs to be show the door....she is too immature...
Oh..my goodness...Did u all see the lastest show of indian idol..That stupid girl...she sing so as she was like....I thought she would be kick out...but it shocked me that she was in...I don really no wat these judges wants...Indian Idol or Indian idiot...Gudges should no who to pick ma...They are showing favourtiusm,,,,,
My vote will be on the chinese guy...he's so cute and humble...
And these gudges...i thoughtthe hip-hop boy who used the dirty works on his partner will be kick...but too bad..he was in n i no y...Alisha's fav.boy..He hve no voice and feeling for others..Kick his butts man
Hey wats up no comments...the day is here so vote for ur favourite guys and gals....all my votes r for Prashant!!!
नमस्कार !
दार्जीलींगका नेपाली छोरा प्रशांत तामांग अहीले इंडियन आइडल (सोनी टी. भी.) मा हजारौं प्रतीद्वंदीहरुलाई पछाडी पारदै फ़ाइनल चरण सम्म पुग्न सफल मात्र भएका छैनन बरु सारा नेपालीहरुको गौरव बनेका छन. उनको जीतमा सारा नेपाली जातीको गौरवमय जीत हुनेछ. नेपालीहरु भारतमा खाली गुरखे, कांछा, पाले, दर्वान आदी उपनामबाट मात्र हैन की "भारत की शान" बन्न पिन सक्छन भन्ने कुरा प्रमाणीत गर्नु पर्ने बेला आएको छ. त्यसैले हामी सबैको एक-एक एस. एम्. एस. ले उनको यो यात्रा पुरा हुनेछ र भारत, नेपाल र वीस्व भरीका नेपाली हरुको "शान" बढ़ाउने छ. सारा नेपालीका वीचमा सदभावना र भात्रीत्वको बीकास हुनेछ. सन १९५० पछी फेरी एक पटक एकजुट हुनुपरने बेला आएको छ. कृपया, एस. एम्. एस. गर्दै जानुहोस र अरुलाई पिन एस. एम्. एस. गर्न परेरीत गर्नुहोस.
धन्यबादका साथ.........
तेज राई
धरान - १८, सुनसरी, नेपाल /
कृपया, यो ई-मेल फोरवर्ड गर्नुहोस ता की कोही पिन नछूटुन.
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